How to do a Comprehensive Facebook Ads Audit in 2024? Skip to content

How to do a Comprehensive Facebook Ads Audit in 2024?

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You’ve set up your Facebook ad campaigns, strategically targeting your audience and creating compelling content. But how can you be sure that your ads are truly unlocking their full potential? This is where the 2024 Facebook Ads Audit steps in—a systematic process that goes beyond the surface, ensuring your campaigns are optimized for success

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of Facebook Ads auditing, understanding its significance as your performance booster. Get ready to uncover new insights and leave no room for guesswork.

How to do a Facebook Ads Audit?

So, where do you begin when it comes to a Facebook Ad Account Audit? To simplify the audit process, we’ve compiled a checklist of essential aspects to review when doing an audit of your Facebook Ad Account. You have the option to perform your audit manually or take advantage of our automated solution Lebesgue: Facebook Audit.

Automating your Facebook ad audit has its perks. It’s like having a helper that quickly spots areas to make your ads work better. Tools like Lebesgue’s Automatic Advertising Audits do this job super fast and look at many things all at once, so you don’t miss anything important. This saves you time and helps you fix things quickly.

Plus, automated audits use facts and numbers, so there’s less chance of making mistakes.

Overall, using automation for your Facebook ad audits is a smart move—it helps you make your ads perform better and get more out of your advertising budget.

But, if you prefer doing your audit by hand, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Here’s the rundown on the key stuff you should check during your Facebook ads audit.

Checklist For Facebook Ads Audit

As we said before, now we’ll talk about all the things you need to check while auditing your Facebook Ads Account. We’ve got the checklist ready for you, and here’s a step-by-step guide on how to audit your ads.

Conversions tracking

Making sure your conversion tracking is working correctly is one of the most important ones. Here’s why: when it’s not right, things can go wrong. Businesses that have a problem with their tracking end up paying about 30% more for ads

But it’s not just about the advertising budget. If your tracking is broken, Facebook might think people are doing things on your website that they’re not really doing. This messes up how your ads work and who they’re shown to. 

To avoid these issues and get the most out of your ads, it’s crucial to get your conversion tracking fixed up properly.

facebook ads audit conversion tracking

Optimization strategy

Optimization strategy might sound a bit techy, but it’s really important. If you pick the wrong strategy, your website audience might not be happy, and your bounce rate could go up. It can even mess with how well your website does over time.

But, if you’re an e-Commerce business, using Purchase conversion optimization can boost your Return on Investment (ROI) by a whopping 400%!

Ad placements

Picking where your ads appear is a big deal. Let’s break it down: if you do automatic placement, your ads can reach more people. Plus, Facebook can find the cheapest way to show your ads.

Here’s the cool part: if you let Facebook do its thing and put ads wherever, the average Return on Ad Spend is 128%. On the other hand, if you decide where your ads go, the ROAS drops to 85%.

But, if you’re an e-Commerce business, using Purchase conversion optimization can boost your Return on Investment (ROI) by a whopping 400%!

The fix? Change your ad placement and watch your ROAS go up by about 30%! It’s a simple switch that can make a big difference.

Too many ads per ad set

Having lots of ads in one place might not be the best idea. So, if you put too many ads in a group, your PPC ROI can drop by half! And that’s not all. Too many ads also mean you don’t have much say in where your budget goes. It can even make the ads that cost more show up more often, making things pricier for you. 

But there’s a solution! Cutting back on ads can save you money and hassle. It’s a simple fix that can help your ads do better.

View-through conversions

Let’s talk about those view-through conversions. Well, they don’t help your business grow as much as other things, and they could mean your marketing stuff is doubling up. If more than 20% of your conversions are like this, your Blended Cost of Acquiring Customers (CAC) can go up by 10%

facebook ads audit

Ad fatigue

So, ad fatigue is actually a big deal. When people see the same ads too much, they get bored, and that’s not good. It can make the ad cost more and your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) drop

But, what’s the fix? For ads that find new customers, show them less than 4 times. For ads aimed at the audience who already know you, keep it under 11 times. Oh, and here’s a trick: making new ad words can freshen things up and stop boredom. 

Audience budget split

Figuring out how to divide your budget might sound tricky, but it’s a game-changer. Here’s the deal: if you put more budget into prospecting campaigns, your business can grow bigger.

 According to Lebesgue’s data, businesses that spend more than 70% of their money on finding new customers can even lower their CAC by 15%. It’s like putting your money where it matters most for better results.

Retargeting ads CAC

Let’s talk about those retargeting ads and how much they cost. It might sound a bit fancy, but it’s actually pretty important. So, ads that show up to the audience who already know you can bring in lots of money. But if they cost too much, it’s not so great.

In fact, businesses with high retargeting ad costs can end up with a 20% higher CAC— which means spending more to get customers. So, getting a handle on these costs is a smart move for better results.

Excluding existing customers

Now, let’s talk about why excluding your current customers in ads matters. If you don’t exclude existing customers, Facebook might spend too much budget showing ads to the audience who already bought your product.

And guess what? Businesses that do this—excluding those who already bought—end up with 18% less spending to get new customers

Copy testing

Next, copy testing. Changing up your words can do a bunch of good things. It stops the audience from getting bored with your ads, makes more audience click on them, and keeps things fresh. 

According to our info, successful e-Commerce businesses usually try around 7 new ad versions every month. It’s like giving your ads a fresh coat of paint for more clicks and better results.

Audience targeting

Imagine aiming your ads at people who are already interested—sounds like a good plan, right? But here’s the catch: mixing this with showing ads to the audience who already knows you can actually lead to ad fatigue

It makes the ads cost more and people get tired of seeing them. This can even make your ROAS go down. With this approach, you’ll keep your ads fresh and engaging, warding off ad fatigue for optimal results.

Multiple active ad accounts

Let’s talk about using more than one ad account—it might sound good, but it can bring some hiccups. Having two or more active ad accounts might make your ads bid against each other. That can shoot up the cost of showing your ads by around 20%.

And that’s not all. Sometimes, one website action gets counted multiple times across these accounts, making it seem like more customers bought than they really did. It’s like keeping score twice.

facebook ads audit

So, keeping it simple with one account is a smarter move—it helps you avoid extra costs and gives you a more accurate picture of how your ads are really doing.

Summing up: Facebook Ads Audit

And there you have it—a rundown of the crucial checkpoints to keep in mind when doing your Facebook Ads audit. If any of these steps seem a bit overwhelming, remember that you can dive into our free automated audit tool, which delivers your results in a matter of minutes.

Using an automated Facebook ad account audit like Lebesgue AI CMO saves you time and checks your ads for mistakes. 

It provides useful tips and continuously monitors your ads to improve their performance and get more value. With Lebesgue, you’ll follow Facebook’s best practices and make smarter, data-driven decisions.

 In the end, Lebesgue AI CMO makes it easier to keep your ads effective and stay ahead of the competition.

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