How do I manually add Facebook pixel to Shopify?

To manually add the Facebook pixel to a Shopify website, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Facebook Ads account and navigate to the Pixels tab in the Events Manager.
  2. Click on the “Create a Pixel” button.
  3. Give your pixel a name and click “Create Pixel”.
  4. Click on the “Add Pixel to Website” button and select “Manually Install the Code Yourself”.
  5. Copy the pixel code provided by Facebook.
  6. Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to the “Online Store” section of the sidebar.
  7. Click on “Themes” and then on the “Actions” button next to the theme you want to edit.
  8. Select “Edit Code” from the drop-down menu.
  9. Locate the theme.liquid file in the layout folder and open it.
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the file and paste the pixel code before the closing </body> tag.
  11. Save the changes to your theme.
  12. To check if the pixel is installed correctly, use the Facebook Pixel Helper chrome extension
  13. After you have confirmed that the pixel is working correctly, you can start creating and optimizing your campaigns, setting up events and tracking conversions.

Lifetime value of a customer

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a term used to describe the total revenue a customer will generate in the long term. The easiest way to calculate your cLTV is:

ARPU(average revenue per user)= TR (total revenue)/CQ (number of customers for a chosen time period)

Successful marketing strategies include thinking about their long-term effects and not just the current marketing performance of your campaigns. Oftentimes it’s hard to think and make decisions about the future, especially when we don’t have the data to base these decisions on. You can easily check out your customer LTV in our app. We have an LTV feature breakdown by product, state, country, discount code, and marketing channel.

Do TikTok ads work better than FB?

If you’re having a hard time acquiring customers through Facebook ads, there’s a high chance that TikTok will yield even worse results than Facebook does. You might be having problems with landing pages, or your go-to-market strategy relies more on long-tail keywords and a very specific, niche audience.

How do I setup a conversion event in facebook ads?

  1. Select your Facebook pixel.
  2. Select “All URL Traffic”
  3. Select the event type you want to create. This depends on what type of conversion event you want to track. If it’s a purchase event, choose purchase.

Traffic but no sales

There are a lot of reasons why you might be seeing a lot of traffic, but no sales, but if you are running ads, one of the most common reasons is that you might be using the wrong optimization strategy for the ads. When doing Google or Facebook ads, you should be optimizing for Purchases and not traffic or any other goal.

What is a high CPM on Facebook ads?

A high Facebook CPM depends on the industry and target audience that you are displaying your ads to. CPM on the whole market changes based on competition, seasonality,  trends and behavior of your competitors, and many other factors.
The Lebesgue: Smarter Marketing is a great tool to benchmark your CPM against the market and see whether it’s high.