Red Flags: Multiple Ads per Ad Set

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How this test works

Our app looks at yesterday’s results to see if there are any active ad sets that use more than one ad. If there is more than one ad per ad set, you fail the test.

What we recommend

Whenever you’re testing something, the goal is to always find the ad that performs well and then gradually increase your ad spend.

And with Facebook ads, the more ads there are, the longer it will take for the algorithm to properly test them. So what happens when you put multiple ads in one ad set? Facebook doesn’t equally distribute the budget between the ads, and it ends up preferring one ad over the other, for no obvious reason.

In fact, in some cases, you’ll see that Facebook starts “pushing” the ad that’s not necessarily better in terms of CTR, CAC, or ROAS, so essentially, you’re just losing money on the ad that isn’t the best performer.

And that’s why you should always place each ad in separate ad sets. That way you’ll make sure that the full budget of the ad set is spent on that ad, and you’ll know that you’re properly testing each ad variation.

Looking at the results from an a/b test we ran, you can see that each ad creative performed better when separated and placed in one, dedicated ad set.

With multiple ads in one ad set, you’re most likely going to get a significantly higher CPM and lower ROAS, just as we did in our a/b test.

multiple ads per ad set vs single ad per ad set facebook results

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