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Why is my Facebook CPM so high?

Lebesgue Changed status to publish December 6, 2023

There are a number of reasons why your Facebook CPM (cost per thousand impressions) may be high:

  1. Limited audience: If your targeting options are too narrow, you may be reaching a limited audience, which can lead to higher CPMs. Try expanding your targeting options to reach a larger audience.
  2. Competition: If your industry is competitive, it can lead to higher CPMs. This is because businesses in competitive industries are willing to pay more to reach potential customers.
  3. Ad quality: The quality of your ad can also affect your CPM. If your ad is not engaging or relevant, it may not perform as well.
  4. Ad placements: The placements where your ads appear can also affect your CPM. For example, ads that appear in the Facebook news feed tend to have a lower CPM than ads that appear in the right-hand column or in the Stories feature.
  5. Ad format: The format of your ad can also affect your CPM. For example, video ads tend to have a higher CPM than image ads.
  6. Bid strategy: Your bid strategy can also affect your CPM. If you are using a manual bid strategy, you may be bidding too high or too low.
  7. Ad frequency: Running your ad too often can lead to ad fatigue and higher CPMs.

To lower your CPM, you can try experimenting with different targeting options, ad formats, placements, and bid strategies. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that your ads are high-quality, relevant and engaging to increase the chances of your ad being clicked and ultimately lower your CPM.

Lebesgue Changed status to publish August 21, 2023
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